
Global Equity & Access
for Landowners

We seek to help liberate people from exploitative and oppressive systems, by using local resources to sustain, heal, and empower communities, and returning most profits to those communities.

15 countries have led the world in the production of gem-quality diamonds for over a decade."

Russia, Canada, Botswana, South Africa, Angola, DR Congo, Namibia, Lesotho, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, Australia, Brazil, Guinea, China."

66% of diamonds in the world are mined from Africa."

Africa is often seen as the home of precious gemstones and metals, with the world's leading jewelry houses sourcing a steady stream of diamonds, gold and other minerals from the continent. Botswana, South Africa, Angola, DR Congo,Namibia, Lesotho, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, Guinea."

Over 80% of diamond producing countries in Africa have over 50% of its population who live below the UN poverty threshold of $1.25"

40% of diamonds mined from Africa are from the property of poor landowners who receives less than 5% back of its profits. They lack the capital to mined their lands & lack the knowledge necessary to protect their interests when dealing with foreign investors. They lack direct access to the international markets that buy their diamonds."

An estimated US$13 billion worth of rough diamonds."

An estimated US$13 billion worth of rough diamonds ( equivalent to a retail cut & polish value of US$84 billion) are produced per year, of which approximately 60% originated from Africa. Six mining companies control over 90% of the market."

The diamond industry has some serious problems in the supply chain. People in the diamond-mining region are seeking opportunities to improve their economic, social, and environmental wellbeing, and positive repercussions can reach far beyond the rural boundaries of their villages. We believe the diamond industry owes a lot to the miners and landowners who have been losers in the system for far too long. Luku intends to create Value for the stakeholders who have been forgotten in the industry by working with landowners and miners to add value . The diamond industry is about people. Our mission is about creating a more equitable platform.

Artisanal and Small-Scale mining (ASM) could be a powerful force for development

ASM supplies 20% of the global diamond trade and 20% of global output

A more socially and environmentally aware approach to ASM could affect 13 million people involved in ASM

Approximatly 100 million people in developing nations depend on ASM

ASM is more lucrative to local household income by a ratio of 3:5

Due to poverty, miners are driven by desperation, driving underpaid workers to ASM

ASM is a dangerous line of work and prone to exploitation of the nation's people

The current ASM practice causes harm to the environment that stimulates poverty and insecurity

Sierra Leone accoiunts fgor almost 38% of diamond exports, and includes as many as 120,000 people

Mining communities are failing to profit from their own natural resource wealth

Sierra Leone currently ranks 183 out of 187 countries on the United Nation's Human Development Index (2014)

Export commodities are Iron ore, diamonds, rutile, cocoa, while imort commodities are foodstuffs, machinary and equipment , fuels and lubricants and chemicals

Negative ASM practices cause deforestation and biodiversity loss

The nation has 8 airports, with 1 runway of the 8 is paved.

The lack of land security, surface minerals and low physical barriers negatively affect ASM regulations

Smuggling minerals contributes to the the nation's insecurity and loss of federal tax revenue

Artisanl Diamond Miningdegrades the land, reducing farming opportunities

The current ASM practice systematicaly reduces economic opportunities for the nation's people

The ASM cycle of issues are not simple, direct, or inevitable

Miners and Landowners lack resources to pursue solutions

Mining communities lack institutional support

Geological factors create unqiue social challenges

Low barrier entry and distrubuted mineral deposits make regulation practices extremely difficult

Low standards for health, sanitation and saftey positions the current ASM culture as unethical

Low environmental management allows for the continuation of bad ASM practices

Damaged land generates a long chain of cause and effect

Polluted water systems caused by unmagaed ASM practices create fatal health problems

The open and abandoned mining pits collect water, breeding disease

Subsistence argricuture is almost half of the working population's form of survival

Labor-intesive operations are mostly performed by male adults and male youth

Seasonal mining is based on the raining seasons, causing unstable income

Miners have poor access to support, services and market knowledge

Inequitable profit sharing suppresses economic opportunities with low education and high percentage of poverty

The lack of economic development is the root cause to nations conflicts and exploitation

In 2017 exports of goods and services were at 26.8%, while imports of goods and services wer at -55.3%

Agriculture laborforce is approximitly 60%, while Industry laborforce is approximtely 6%

There is a passive governmental oversight of ASM environmental issues

Majority of the natural resource management is facilitated by NGOs, creating an unhealthy dependancy

The civil war created long lasting social economic instability and have not been properlly addressed for decades.

The global chairty ideology has generated layers of faulty strategies on African nations poverty

Artisanal diamond mining produces approx. half the world’s diamonds

During the year of 2019, 65,000 carats were produced out of one of many diamond producing nations

Over 1.9 billion carats have been traded throughout Africa valuing at approximately $158 billion

It is very difficult to provide journalistic access to information and access to ASM troubling details

ASM miners make less than $2 per day working in dangerous conditions

ASM working conditions are poor and not up to proper standards

It is difficult to locate the true percentage of illegal diamond trade and smuggling

the United Nations is still currently pushing for a strionger Kimberely Process System

Governmental corruption causes much of the negative impact on regulations and security processes

Child labor is a high percentage threat for diamonnd mining communities due to poverty

There is very little enforcement of regulations

Many miners lack bargaining power due to the lack of licensing